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Webinares Técnicos sobre o BREXIT

O UK’s Border & Protocol Delivery Group (BPDG) e o Department for International Trade (DIT) convidam todos os interessados a assistir a uma série de webinars setoriais - “BPDG Step by Step Webinars” - cujos detalhes e links para registo podem ser consultados no calendário que abaixo se indica.  
Estes webinares sectoriais têm como objetivo detalhar o processo de movimentação de mercadorias entre o Reino Unido e Portugal, recorrendo a exemplos práticos para cada setor específico, incluindo procedimentos e sistemas fronteiriços, bem como os novos requisitos de importação e controlos aduaneiros do Reino Unido, a serem introduzidos em janeiro de 2022 e também julho de 2022.
Os webinares são gratuitos e abertos a transportadores, expedidores e despachantes alfandegários, mediante registo.
Todos serão ministrados em idioma inglês.





MEAT _ Moving meat products between Portugal and GB



Monday, 15th November

13:00 – 14:00 GMT

This webinar is to help you understand how you can move meat, in this example frozen chicken, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB) taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

WINE _ Moving alcoholic beverages between Portugal and GB

Friday, 19th November

13:00 – 14:00 GMT

This webinar is to help you understand how you can move alcohol, in this example wine, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB) taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES _ Moving fruit and vegetable products between Portugal and GB

Monday, 22nd November

13:00 – 14:00 GMT

This webinar is to help you understand how you can move fruit and vegetables, in this example peaches, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB), taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

FISH _ Moving fish products between Portugal and GB

Friday, 26th November

13:00 – 14:00 GMT

This webinar is to help you understand how you can move fish, in this example mackerel, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB) taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

COMPOSITE PRODUCTS_ Moving composite products between Portugal and GB

Monday, 29th November

13:00 – 14:00 GMT


This webinar is to help you understand how you can move composite products, in this example pepperoni pizza, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB), taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

DAIRY_ Moving dairy products between Portugal and GB

Friday, 3rd December

13:00 – 14:00 GMT

This webinar is to help you understand how you can move dairy, in this example cheese, from the EU (Portugal) to Great Britain (GB), taking into account the changes to UK import controls that will come into effect from January 2022 onwards.

Fonte: Embaixada britânica em Portugal

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